Hi there,
I have put a brown box onto to the red box. When starting the emulation, the brown box falls down onto the red box and keeps its position, as expected.
However, when moving the red box, the brown box only moves a bit along with the red box, then it falls down. It seems to me, that the friction values were not set properly.
I tried different settings for friction, rolling friction, spinning friction, locker…but all this did not bring success.
Is it possible, that the brown box sticks to the red box, during movement?
In a later phase, I would like to use the product entry feature, where these brown boxes fall down onto the red box and move along with the red box.
Thanks for any hints!
Best wishes, Ibrahim
Hello Ibrahim,
Thank you for posting your question.
Determining the correct friction value can be tricky at times. The friction values for both boxes affect the results, so you’ll need to adjust the friction for both.
In my experience, it’s a good idea to keep the friction value close to 1.0 and set the bounciness to 0. To speed up the process, you might consider connecting the friction node in the component to a variable that you can use to easily modify the friction value within the 3D environment.
Best regards,
Hi Daniel,
thanks for your feedback. I applied the settings for both boxes. Unfortunately the behaviour did not change.
Do you have a simple example for studying, how to make it work? That would make things easier.
According to Simumatik help, a friction value of 1.0 means no friction. I tried values from 0 to 10000. With high values the brown box begins to move in standstill.
What is the acceptable value range for friction, rolling friction and spinning friction?
I noticed, that the entered mass for the brown box also has effect, e.g. using 1kg, the brown box collides onto the red box and slides slowly away.
Are there any other parameters, which need to be considered, like collision tag, collision group etc…?
My wish is, to have a behaviour like having a constraint between the brown box (child) and red box (parent), in order not to have any deviation.
But by using a constraint, I cannot use the product entry feature later on, am i right?
Sorry for all this, hope you have some more ideas.
Many thanks,
Hello Ibrahim,
I created a system for you called “Learn About Friction,” which is public. The friction of every component in the system can be adjusted. Try to change the following parameters in workspace settings for incresed stability:
Emulation step = 0.0025
Global ERP = 0.1
Thank you for noticing that; it’s actually the other way around. A result of 1.0 indicates high friction, while 0 represents the lowest friction.
The values range between 0.0 and 1.0 for friction, rolling friction, and spinning friction.
That’s true sometimes; the recommendation is to keep the mass near 1.0. However, in some cases where the component is unstable, lowering the mass might be effective.
I would say, that in this case it is just the friction and keeping the mass close to 1.0.
Exactly, this could cause problems with the product entry.
Another solution is to use a locker and a sensor in the component. Enable the locker when a product is placed on the linear axis, and disable it once the product is to be unloaded.
This setup can also be integrated with the “data surface” and data_writer. This would allow you to send data through the sensor.
I believe you can solve this problem by adjusting the friction, bounciness, and possibly the mass.
Best regards,
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H Daniel,
really great example, which you made! Many thanks.
I will try out the things and I am sure, I will find my problem.
Have a great evening,
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Hi Ibrahim,
No worries.
I sent you an email for a bit of guidance.
/ Daniel
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Hi Daniel,
thanks for the email and detailed sample! Great support.
I finally solved it.
Many thanks!