Product Entry Feature: Cannot move a box on a belt in positioning mode

Dear Simumatik Team,

I want to use the Product Entry Feature for a belt, which runs in positioning mode.

However, it seems, that only velocity mode is supported.

After changing the mode of the mechanical_rotation_input to “position”, the behaviour is exactly the same.

How to solve this issue?

Background: In a later stage, I would like to send via OPC UA setpoint values to the belt in positioning mode.

Thanks for any ideas or hints!


Hi Ibrahim,
The conveyor is updated now so it will be able to handle position mode.
I would recommend that you connect the conveyor to the “linear drive” component and use it in position mode.
Hope this helps!


Hi Daniel,

much appreciated your fast feedback, thanks! Unfortunately, I cannot see any changes in the behaviour.

I tried your idea with a “linear drive” component and it works excellent in case I add a “joint” and “link”, where the “parent” of the joint is the belt and the “child” of the joint is the box.

However, in that case, it seems, that I cannot use the product entry feature here, e.g. I could not find any setting for the product, to define the according moving axis (here: belt), where the product must be linked to.

Any ideas highly welcome!
Many thanks and a great start into the week,

Hi Ibrahim,
No worries! The updated component in Simumatik is the “conveyor belt.” Please take a look at it and use it with the linear drive. :blush:

Best wishes,

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Thanks Daniel for the effort!

Best wishes,

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